Friday, April 29, 2011

"The River Between Us" by Richard Peck

The River Between Us evokes a time in American history when the Civil War was just beginning. Young boys ran away to fight, though many of them were not old enough to really understand the horrors of war. The story is told by 15-year-old Tilly, who has a twin brother named Noah that joined the Union army. According to her mother’s wishes, Tilly goes goes after him with her new friend, Delphine. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the arrival of stylish Delphine from New Orleans and Calinda, the darker-complexioned lady that she came with. This central drama really drives the plot in many ways. Delphine is a strong, fascinating character that will surprise you. Her unexpected behavior reveals how racism was everywhere and how the country was changing but also staying the same. The River Between Us actually begins and ends in 1916, when 15-year-old Howard travels to his father’s hometown of Grand Tower, IL to learn of his true relationship with the other two main characters, Tilly and Delphine. This framing device actually polishes the entire story and gives the greatest revelation more of a context.

Click on the cover or here to reserve a copy of the book.

Review by Rebecca

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